It’s foggy this morning with heavy fog warnings. So, I’m re-posting a fog poem from a few years back. Foggy Fracas The door swung softly open, And, swirling soundlessly, Many misty visitors Soon encircled me. My silent guests seemed sullen, Swathed in dripping gowns; They fixed their watery eyes on me And frowned their dripping […]

Unexplained and Mysterious
·Street lights are blurred and uncertain; familiar sights are alien beings. Swirling with misty fingers, fog lies across the town. Fenceposts, half in, half out of sight, seem to float. Dampness beads mailbox and leaves. This is a mysterious landscape in which nothing seems to be real. All is hushed and waiting. What crouches here, […]

Out of the Fog
·Remember that old, scary film, Out of the Fog? Well, it’s foggy this morning, and so thick that it looks as if anything could slowly emerge from the fog–eerie and silent. What is there about fog that appeals to imaginations? Maybe it’s because it distorts things and makes the familiar seem weird and unknown. […]