The first week of May is nearly gone, a wet month, a stormy month for some. Weather is changeable and so are world conditions, so it’s good to know that some things don’t change. May’s birthstone is still the beautiful, glowing emerald and May’s flower is still lily-of-the-valley. So, even in uncertainty, there are […]
Have You Seen the May Bee?
·This is the day the little May Bee flies forth and children (and some adults) will use him in their speech all day long. I’ve always pictured the May Bee as a small striped fellow, rather like a bumblebee who wears a happy grin and has transluscent wings the color of spring flowers. But then, […]
Beginning Again
·It looked to me like there could have been a light frost last night, at least, on the neighbor’s roofs. The cold front is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I just had a sobering thought. If the temperature really hits 28 degrees, will all these lovely, green leaves be killed and will the trees have to […]
Those Pesky Thoughts
The Bible says we are supposed to take every thought captive. That isn’t an easy thing to do. With so much that is pleasant and positive, so much love in the world, why do I (and, I suspect, a great many of us) let negative thoughts creep in? Sad to say, the older I get, […]
A Little of This and That
·It’s raining this morning. Actually, it just started a few minutes ago but there’s thunder. Oh, dear! You know who is nervously hovering by my chair, don’t you? I wish I could explain to Nemo that it’s only noise and won’t hurt him, and I do explain; however, he doesn’t seem to believe me. Speaking […]
A New Year
·To me, it seems that Easter should be the start of a new year, not January. Easter is a time of celebrating and gladness and, after Easter, we can expect spring to actually be here and warm weather a reality. The earth is renewed, new hope is born, after Easter. My neighbor’s tulip tree has […]