It’s no joke–we are actually into another brand-new month. I’m not sure where March went–perhaps it was blown away on one of those blustery winds. April is a wonderful month. April people, you have a great gemstone–the diamond. Next to a cozy mystery, a diamond may be a girl’s best friend! April’s special flowers are […]
A New Day
Spring flowers are peeking up from among the grass and last year’s leaves. Of all the flowers, these first ones are to me among the most beautiful. Buttercups, wild violets, bluets, all are eager to raise their heads and take a look at the big world. I’m sure there are scientific answers to why the […]
Augustus and His Namesake
·Good morning all you August people (and everyone else). If you have an August birthday, you were born in an interesting month–a month with a history. To start with, it was once called Sextilis and was the sixth month. Then, along came powerful Augustus Caesar. It was renamed August in the year 8 B.C. The […]

June Bugs and Fireflies
·Are you a June Bug? If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, […]

Among Green, Growing Things
·Yesterday, I worked in my front flower garden, pulling out tiny maple sprouts, checking to see if any wildflowers are poking through the ground. So far, one lone zinnia. I wonder why more haven’t come up? I planted a lot of heirloom seeds. The squash plant is doing great, blooming, looking healthy. I hope it […]