What is your favorite song of September? “Autumn Leaves”? “September in the Rain”? “September Song”? Do you find yourself humming or singing some of those tunes as the new month comes in? If this is your birth month, two lovely stones are yours: the sapphire and lapis lazuli. You can claim the bright aster and […]

And Here Is August
Good morning all you August people (and everyone else). If you have an August birthday, you were born in an interesting month–a month with a history. To start with, it was once called Sextilis and was the sixth month. Then, along came powerful Augustus Caesar. It was renamed August in the year 8 B.C. The […]

Is It Really October?
·You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest, a tucking in of plants, and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]

Hasten Slowly
·Happy first day of August! Did you know that today, August 1, is National Girlfriends’ Day, National Mountain Climbing Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day? The whole month is Admit You’re Happy Month, and this first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week. Pretty interesting month, isn’t it? If you have an August […]

December Angels
·Happy first day of your month, December angels, all who were born in this first winter month. You really shine with turquoise as your birth stone and tanzanite as your second choice. By the way, your lovely color is blue. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Narcissus and poinsettia are your flowers. Two of everything for you! […]