Yesterday was what Jane would call an ordinary day. She and I agreed that ordinary days, where everything goes smoothly, begins and ends nicely, is an ordinary day. In fact, an ordinary day is extraordinary, the very best kind of day. Do you ever look back at the day or week and count the changes, […]

Darcy, Flora, Ned, and Me
We’ve been together for a good while–Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker and me. Ned McNeil I’ve known not as long but she has become a good friend too. All three women exist only in my imagination and in the pages of books but, in a way, they are real. Maybe they are real to you too. […]

A Strange and Mysterious Day
The day began in a strange and mysterious way. Before daylight, thunder and rain moved in. A dark, damp world greeted the morning. The house lay still and silent, listening, waiting, wondering. A distant train whistle rose and fell, a mournful, ghostly sound. Inside the house, someone stirred. The coffee pot clicked and purred. Soon, the fragrance of the early morning […]

Portrait of Cozy Mystery Heroes and Their Readers
Readers of cozy mysteries come in all shapes and sizes. We have much in common, but we have major differences too. Most of us are women, but a few men like to read and even write cozies. Mostly, we are above the age of thirty, but some are younger. However, we all like a good mystery […]

The Warmth of Christmas
·From my heart to yours, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day filled with joy, peace, love, and hope. Thank you for being with Darcy, Flora, Ned, and me for another year. I look forward to what the future holds for all of us.