To the authors who read my blog: As you write your new book, do you find that you have some chapters you prefer to other chapters? To the readers who read my blog: As you read a cozy mystery, are there chapters that stand out to you? And then, of course, there are favorite parts within each chapter. […]

A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Have you ever heard that old saying, “I’m just a day late and a dollar short?” Well, that’s me this morning. I slept right through the red blood moon and I missed last night’s State of the Union address by President Trump. I’m sure many of you saw both and you are to be congratulated! […]

A Shelter in the Storm
Yesterday, we left Darcy and Flora in Goshen Cemetery where they had made a grisly discovery. Today is a continuation of Chapter One of The Cemetery Club. “Somebody cut off Ben’s finger,” Mom whispered. As we stood, mesmerized by the horror in front of us, a strange silence descended on the graveyard. I raised my […]

Out of the Shadows, The Cemetery Club
·The Cemetery Club, the first Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, was written as a joint effort between my friend Barbara Burgess and me. You see, it happened this way: Barbara and I had a mutual friend, Levern, who introduced us. We three were in Rogers one beautiful Arkansas day, in an upstairs tea room in […]
Ending of Summer, Beginning of Fall
This post from last year seems to be exactly what I’m feeling this morning. Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day […]