Good-bye, little dryer; you’ve done your job well. Through good times and bad, the adventures you’ve had, you’ve been through the mill and kept going. But, all things must end, so it’s good-bye, my friend, your age, wear and tear are now showing. There’s nothing to do but replace you with new; it’s a parting […]

Here, There, and Everywhere (Almost)
·After many cancellations due to conflicts in schedules, the Cozy Critters finally met again yesterday. As usual, it was a fun time. Jane was brimming with enthusiasm for her recent trip out west. She has been posting pictures on her Facebook page and brought more to show us today. Her and Mark’s first stop was […]

The Joy of Being Invisible
When one reaches a certain age, attains a veritable number of years, one becomes invisible. You don’t believe me? It’s true and I’m here to prove it. Maybe it’s the white hair that puts up that Invisibility Shield; maybe it’s the wrinkles; I’m not sure what triggers this phenomenon. For example, in a room full of […]

Untangling the Web
·Why do you pick up a cozy mystery and read? Is it because you like the characters or is it the setting? Do you like to try to untangle that snarled web of a mystery before the protagonist does? Have you noticed that in the cozy mystery genre, there’s a lot of leeway, a lot […]
That Cozy Little Cafe Called Dilly’s
·Our Roving Reporter is blessed with an above average amount of curiosity, as are most reporters. She is drawn to Levi, Oklahoma, and its interesting inhabitants. Wanting to become better acquainted with the town’s citizens and the reasons behind so many mysterious happenings, she sets up an interview with a man who probably knows more about what […]

What Did You Mean When You Said Hello?
What Did You Mean When You Said, “Hello?” “What on earth are you talking about, Cub?” I asked the big, red-faced man who jumped off the seat of his dirt mover. “What did you mean there’s something in the well?” The whole book is based on that question and Darcy wondering if it was Best […]