Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mother, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or another, and danger is the neighborhood of Darcy and her mother. A lovely, sunny Sunday in the magic month of May, finds them getting ready for their Decoration […]

Shadowy, Significant Clues
·We all like to find them, don’t we? It’s sort of an aha! moment to run across something significant when reading a mystery. But, beware. Sometimes what looks like a clue isn’t a clue. It’s merely a red herring that a sly and devious author has dragged across the path, to turn you in another […]

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries
·Does weather affect life? Indeed, it does. Flights are cancelled, trips are re-scheduled, schools are closed, plans are completely re-arranged, all because of the weather or the threat of bad weather, or earthquakes. (As a side note, last night, I saw part of an old movie about an imaginary earthquake shaking New York City. […]

As the Old Year Leaves
·Every morn is a fresh beginning; every day is the world made new. You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, here is a wonderful hope for you, a hope for me and a hope for you. — Author Unknown I’m not much for making New Year’s Resolutions. Once upon a time, it was […]

Christmas Lights and Quiet Thoughts
·Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then readingĀ Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love. I wish that our world would stop for a moment and absorb this quietness and peace. Doesn’t Scripture […]

A Picture of a Past Generation
My niece Missy sent me some copies of old photos she found among her parents’ pictures from the past. I’ve been enjoying them. They caused me to realize anew how quickly time flies and people and places we took for granted pass right along with time. This picture, for example, is of two cousins, […]