Hey, good morning, all you cozy mystery fans and happy birth month all you July people!! Don’t you feel special today? This is your month to shine and how could you do otherwise with none other than that lovely ruby as your birthstone? Not only one flower for you, but two–the lily and […]
Feb 18, 2021
Three Sleuths in Rhyme
·I couldn’t resist putting my three sleuths in a rhyme. They didn’t seem to mind in; in fact, I think they rather enjoyed being subjects of poetry. Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mom, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or […]

Jan 14, 2021
It’s a Mystery to Me
·So many things are a mystery to me. Why did this or that happen? Why do people act or speak the way they do? It’s fun to try to look behind the obvious. Cozy mysteries are fun because they do just that. Darcy and Flora, Ned and her friends–they delve into the reason behind the […]