Yesterday I wrote about being romantic. This morning as I look out at a dark summer pre-dawn, I think of how life is a many-faceted adventure, not just one thing straight through, but a blending of many feelings and experiences. To me, romance can be a bit mysterious and a mystery can be a bit […]

Best Left to the Imagination
·Have you ever watched a TV show or a news program or a commercial and wondered why nothing is left to the imagination any more? I’m one who believes that many things are best left that way–to the imagination, I mean. And, since I believe it, that’s the way I write. Darcy is good at […]
They Never Saw the Light of Day
I have dreams of being organized and disciplined in my writing with everything neatly catalogued and filed away under proper headings. But oh, dear me! I’ve got notebooks crammed with copies of poems or stories sold, sample copies of magazines in which said stories or poems appeared, notebooks filled with my writings which editors bought […]

Grapes and Green Growing Things
Yesterday was one of those whirlwind days but a good day in every way. Even going to the dentist wasn’t bad as I am convinced I have the most gentle dentist around. Then lunch at my brother’s and sister’s-in-law house and I was the recipient of gifts from their garden. Okra, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers! All […]

A Merry Heart
King Solomon assures us that a merry heart does us as much good as taking a medicine. A member of my family whose name I won’t mention because I don’t want to embarrass him, pretty much bears that out. He is the most upbeat, cheerful person, making the best of every situation. He reminds me […]

Full Moon, Dark Shadows
·In the pre-dawn sky, a huge lantern shines down on earth, making my street an eerie place of silver-edged trees and houses casting long, dark shadows. Along that street, on silent feet, a small, dark cat shape slips on some nefarious nighttime business. Somewhere far away, a dog barks. Robins and doves haven’t awakened yet. […]