The wind felt like it was off ice. Leaves lay inches deep in my yard (the white mulberry decided to drop ninety-five per cent of its leaves at the same time) yet, yesterday the cozy critters trooped through the cold to share a cup of coffee or glass of tea, cookies, stimulating conversation, and insightful […]

Where Cozy Critters Critique
·I’ve a question. What is a cozy critter? Now, we in the South know that a critter is our way of saying, “creature”. And, of course, a creature is a living being made by our Creator. But a cozy critter? Let me give you a clue. Cozy critters come in all shapes and sizes. Each […]
Armistice! Peace, At Last!
·My parents always called November 11, 1918, “Armistice Day.” Later, it was changed to Veterans’ Day” but to Mom and Dad, it was “Armistice Day.” My mother told me how excited they all were at Etta Bend when they found out the Great War was over. They shouted. They cried. They laughed. Finally, the soldiers […]

An Interview with Darcy and Flora
·This morning, I’ve called upon the heroines of Barbara’s and my mother/daughter trilogy, The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, and Best Left Buried, Darcy Campbell and her mother, Flora Tucker, to visit my blog and be interviewed. But, before we get into the actual interview, I want to thank Julie Seedorf. She is the Cozy Cat Press writer […]

It Was Just That Kind of Afternoon…
·The fall morning began in an ordinary way. The old yellow coffee pot gurgled in the kitchen. My mother, Flora Tucker, whistled Amazing Grace as she stirred up pancake batter and I, Darcy Campbell, had no thoughts more mysterious than sitting down at the computer as soon as I could and continuing to work on […]

Saying Good-bye to Friends
·On my Facebook page yesterday, I mentioned that I had completed my third Darcy/Flora, mother/daughter/sleuth book. Will I write a fourth? I don’t know. I’ve been mulling over another series, but we’ll see. Anyway, what a feeling of sadness descended upon me as I finished re-reading and editing that last page! I tied up the […]