The coach at the exercise class said something profound the other day. After each exercise, she would say, “Shake it out and move on.” So, her class of women would vibrate a little and move on to the next machine. With just a change of one word, that phrase of hers could become a life […]

Precious and Priceless Peace
The older I get, the more I enjoy the blessing of peace; not just peace, mind you, but peace that comes of being free and contented and pursuing my own dreams. In school, we learned about “pax romana” or the peace that Rome imposed upon conquered nations. That is not peace at all but a seething […]
Part II–Little Cedar and the Storm of the Century
·With so many animals around his trunk, Little Cedar felt strangely warmed. His friends were depending on him for their very lives. That thought gave Little Cedar an extra surge of courage and he gripped that rock just beneath the soil with determination. The wind and sleet hammered him cruelly. He closed his eyes and […]

Little Cedar and the Storm of the Century
·Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas again.” […]

The Weather Outside is Frightful
·Wednesday, the weather was pretty nice. I buzzed around, taking down things in the yard I had up all summer and storing them away until next spring. Thursday? Well, Thursday was an entirely different story. An interesting thing: Our last snow occurred May 4 and our first snowfall this year occurred December 5, almost exactly […]
Great Review
·My thanks to Barbara Jean Coast, for the rousing review she did of Barbara’s and my book, Grave Shift. I reprint the review here: Barbara Coast’s Reviews > Grave Shift: A Mother-Daughter Sleuth Mystery Want to Read Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars […]