Yesterday’s blog was about words and their power. Later that day, my co-author Barbara Burgess and I sat down with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll and talked. Words, like the coffee and good fellowship, flowed. With the publication date of our three Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries nearing, it was time to […]
A Riot of Robins on Writing
·A chorus of robins greets the pre-dawn. I mean, a veritable flock! Maybe a family and their whole bunch of friends and relatives. I wondered if a group of robins has a specific name. For example, geese in flight are a skein, whereas, on the ground they are a gaggle. A bunch of crows is […]

Good Morning, Mr. Gray
·I have a feeling I’m being watched. Probably, because I am. He lies silently atop the mailbox posts, keeping both green eyes on the front room window. When he sees the curtains move, that is his signal to approach. Trotting softly to the porch on padded feet, he looks hopefully at the door as I […]

Waiting for the Morning
“My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning” (Psalm 130:6). Something about mornings brings hope. I believe it is related to a life force within us that rises, like the mercury in a thermometer, with each new day. As I read that verse from Psalm 130, I can imagine a […]
But, What Happened Before That?
·Everyone has a back story, a reason for being where we are and how we got there. Characters in books have back stories too. Before Barbara and I wrote The Cemetery Club, Flora and Darcy had a life. Darcy was an investigative reporter for a Dallas newspaper. Her husband Jake’s death was the reason Darcy came back home […]

Willful, Wistful, Wonderful Words
I got up this morning thinking about words. A politician on the national scene is in hot water for a word he used a couple of days ago and now he wishes to walk the word back. How do you do that? Many times, I’ve wished I could “walk a word back” but once it’s […]