Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so blessed as to have this group of ladies in my life: Jane, Peg, Nancy, Helen, my cozy critters. They not only offer direct and helpful suggestions and insight, they are a support group like no other. Yesterday, our critique was held in the family room in […]

Looking Back Without Stumbling
·Sometimes, when beginning a new year, I like to look back at the old one. So, yesterday, I not only looked back at 2014, I went way, way back to 1953 and a 5-year diary my mother gave me in 1952. It was full of a young girl’s thoughts and experiences. Some of them were […]

A Grisly Find in the Old Graveyard
·For those of you who haven’t yet read The Cemetery Club, here is part of the first chapter that began the whole Darcy and Flora, mother and daughter sleuth series. When I awoke to sunshine, blue skies, and the fragrance of freshly perked coffee that morning, I had no inkling that a few hours later […]

Shadows Lurking in the Fog
·Out of these twenty days of December, two have been sunny. Guess what we have lurking around the corners of the house this morning, settling down over treetops, seeping into autumn’s leaves? Gray, wet, cold, impenetrable fog! Yet again. Where is the sun? Is it still up there? Even Rudolph’s red nose would need several […]

The Mysterious Malady of the TV
Thank you for your encouraging comments on yesterday’s blog posting. I am working on it and will try to have another installment tomorrow. Monday night, however, I had a real life mystery, albeit a small one. I was watching the news Monday night when suddenly, the TV went blank. I mean, no warning, no fading […]

Coffee with Blanche
·Another Monday, another start of the work week. I hope it is blessed with good things for you and for all of us. October is nearly over with, finished, done! And then comes November with election day (don’t forget to vote) and Thanksgiving. November also is the month for celebrating the end of World War […]