It was a pleasant way to spend an hour and half, with four other friends, munching on Chick-Fil-A. The others, Barbara, Jeanette, Mary Jesse, and Joy are native Arkansas people and I, the only Oklahoman but they let me into the group anyway! Believe it or not, we found common ground, shared interests. They are fun ladies. […]

Food for Thought
Does anybody remember the good old days when we pretty much ate what we wanted to eat, didn’t worry about how many calories we consumed or whether the flour was gluten-free? Or am I the only one old enough to recall when food was food, and were thankful to have it? I grew up on […]

‘Possums and Rhubarb
Rain falls this morning. Oklahoma had more rain last night. So did Arkansas. It must be that rhubarb is ripe now. I’ve been seeing rhubarb recipes on the web. Mom used to make yummy rhubarb pies. Sweet, yet tangy. One of my favorites. This, I’m assuming, is ‘possum weather because ‘possum stories abound. A friend […]

High Tech Granny
·Matt and Dawn gifted me with an iPad. What an amazing technological tool. It can do everything but dance and it may be able to do that too. I’ve never asked it. One of the things I like best about it is the accompanying keyboard/case. And Word. I can write or edit a story and […]

Weather Wanderings (Wonderings?)
·My eyes must be deceiving me. Something is falling from the skies this morning and it must be rain but, under the porch light it looks amazingly like snow. The temperature hovers around forty-one and the weatherman is calling for the possibility of light rain so that must be the answer. The rain is so light […]

Friends and Friendship
In the early morning darkness, a car roars off to an unknown (to me) destination. What’s the reason for his hurry? Is there an emergency? I hope he is not alone if he is facing a trauma but that he has a friend to share the urgency. Friends put the sunshine in a cloudy day […]