Our Sunday School lesson was on a Bible passage that many of us have read again and again. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if […]

A Shiver, a Shudder, and a Creepy Feeling
·Someone once told me she wasn’t sure my books were cozies. Surprising. I thought they were. Then, I realized she meant that sometimes they lost their coziness and became downright scary. I agree they aren’t exactly bedtime stories. Here are some random excerpts, taken from Moonlight Can Be Murder: Ulysses stood, white fangs bared. Why didn’t Vermouth […]

That Busy Little May Bee
Yesterday, the first day of May, came in just as it should with lots of sun, cool temperatures and a feeling of optimism, of looking forward to what the spring will bring. Long ago, children wound brightly colored ribbons around a Maypole on the first day of May. My mother told me that she and […]

Something Is Brewing
First thing I do every morning is make coffee. How about you? The fragrance of hot brew permeates the whole house. My sense of smell tells me what’s going on in the kitchen. Besides the actual aroma of a flavorful drink, do you ever sense other things? A child’s frown, an adult’s thoughtful expression say that something […]

Thanksgiving Mysteries
That special holiday in November arrives tomorrow. I have heard a rumor that a jolly turkey slides down chimneys bringing mince and pumpkin pies and Thanksgiving-themed books for all good and dedicated readers. If this is true, maybe I could give him a few tips on what to leave on the festive table. I couldn’t resist this children’s […]

Furtively Speaking
You are likely to see them anywhere. They blend in with the rest of the population pretty well and, at first glance, appear quite normal and yet–and yet, they are identifiable if you know what to look for. You might detect a curious gleam in the eyes, or a slight twitching of the ears, as […]