It Happened One Summer by Blanche Day Manos All Rights Belong to the Author In my neck of the woods, everything gets ornery in the summertime. Critters, humans, even bugs are easy riled. There’s nothing like the heat of a white-orange sun blazing down from a copper-colored sky to make varmints out of the most […]
What Happened?
·This is entirely a flight of fancy–none of it really happened. But, if it had, what do you think would have happened next? Can you end this story? I scooted away from the computer, stretched, and gazed out my window. The Irish Sea pounded against the rocky shore line, far below me. Gulls wheeled and […]

What Happened?
This is entirely a flight of fancy–none of it really happened. But, if it had, what do you think would have happened next? Can you end this story? I scooted away from the computer, stretched, and gazed out my window. The Irish Sea pounded against the rocky shore line, far below me. Gulls wheeled and […]

The Groundhog Made Me Do It
Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? You might try it some time. The results could amaze you. People are always asking me, “Blanche, where do you get your story ideas?” I smile and say, “Oh, here and there, life, news stories, memories, wild imaginings.” But, that’s not actually the truth. I confess here […]

A Silent, Watchful Newcomer
·He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]