The Hundred Year Old Barn A Fable By Blanche Day Manos The hundred year-old barn was home to a cow, a rooster, some hens, and a mule who pulled a plow. The days they spent in working; each one did his best, and when the sun sank from the sky, the animals needed rest. But, […]
March Madness Murders
·The book could have been called March Madness Murders and that would have fit. Instead, the title is Moonstruck and Murderous which is a good description too. But, what, exactly is “moonstruck”? Another word for moon is luna. And, from that comes lunatic. So, you get the idea. Moonstruck is a somewhat lesser way of […]
A Sweet Treat
·Chapter 6 Miss Georgia baked that tried and true picker-upper that always made folks feel just a bit better, a coconut cream pie. It was still warm from the oven when she placed it in a basket and took it two doors down to Roe Williams’ house. As she passed Abigail’s home, her friend waved […]
A Little Bit of Gossip
·Chapter 4 Miss Georgia surely did enjoy her Sunday School class of women, all of them being about her and Abigail’s age. If truth be known, she particularly enjoyed the socializing that took place before Priss Butters began to expound the Scriptures. Before Miss Georgia joined the class, Abigail said, things were a lot […]
A Visit from the Sheriff
·Chapter Two Memories flashed through Miss Georgia’s mind of a boy who had teased her all the way through her growing up years, a boy who lived on a farm just a short way from her family’s home, a boy who left to join the War when he was much too young and who, […]