Remember the old, black and white TV series, Dragnet and the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” This unflappable team of Jack Webb and Harry Morgan spent a whole thirty minutes ferreting out the bad guys and getting to the facts of the case. But, fiction writers can have fun fiddlin’ with the facts. In writing By […]
In a Shadowy Room
·It truly was getting cold in this kitchen. Agnes decided she should light the fireplace. That is, when she could move again. She drank her cold tea. “And, it’s his ghost that haunts the place?” As Clara nodded, the kitchen light flickered and went out. Clara, Candy, Maybelle, and Agnes sat in semi-darkness. […]
What Ghost?
Agnes shook her head. “So, Mildred bought a house that was haunted? If she truly believed that, why would she do such a dumb thing? Clara sipped her tea. “Of course, she didn’t know that, at the time.” Agnes chuckled. “So, who or what is supposed to haunt this place? And, by the […]
The House Sitter
·Agnes Clover set her broom on the porch and glared up at this monstrosity of a house. How did she wind up here, far from her home town and her warm, friendly neighborhood? Maybelle, her ever faithful hound rubbed against her, soulful eyes brimming with sympathy and wagged her tail. Agnes reached down and patted […]