It’s funny what smells can do. On this wet, quiet spring morning, I caught a brief scent of woodsmoke–perhaps a leftover from a neighbor’s fireplace–and in an instant, I was whisked a good many miles and a number of years back. Once again, I was a child on our farm. It was springtime and hope […]

·At last, we’re getting much-needed rain. To say “much-needed” doesn’t really describe the state of dryness we’ve been in for a long time. I don’t think we had any rain in September and here it is, nearing the last of October. I’m just grateful for it. The trees and grass surely are, too. Fire danger […]
The Small, Everyday Things
·Those small, everyday things are the things that matter most. As we go through life, we dream of fame or fortune, we reach toward high goals and that is fine. If we didn’t have goals, we wouldn’t have anything to work toward, but as worthy and lofty as they are, it’s the small, everyday things […]

Sunshine in My Pocket
·Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness? This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

·Our Sunday School lesson this morning was on emotions, taken from Psalm 116. We all have them–these feelings of joy, love, anger, frustration, sadness. Sometimes emotions get the upper hand, but when they do, hopefully, we will not erupt in some action that is not good. Let’s take anger, for instance. When I think of […]
·Intuition–do you have it? Webster says it is direct knowledge without having rational thought; insight. I think, to some degree, we all have it. It’s a matter of whether we’re aware and listen to it. Flora Tucker has intuition, a “feeling in her bones.” And, she’s usually right. Her daughter, Darcy Campbell, may have it, […]