So, what do you think they are–those mysterious drones that are appearing in swarms over many of our northeastern states? Isn’t it strange that no one knows what their purpose is or where they came from? It seems odd to me that if anyone does know, they aren’t saying. That’s just one of the puzzling […]
·Yesterday, I looked at my yard, leaf-cluttered and a bit dejected. Flowers had bloomed, pumpkins had sat, now things needed to be readied for a new season. The summer things had earned a well-deserved snooze in garage and storage building. So, I set to work. When I’d finished, lawn ornaments were stashed, empty flower pots […]

Snow and Ice
·This morning, my world looks quite different from yesterday. Inches of snow cover the grass and tree limbs. It comes up to Nemo’s tummy and he’s not quite sure what to think about it. However, the coffee and hot tea are warming, the birds are flocking to scattered sunflower seeds, and the fireplace is blazing. […]

Dark and Drippy
·This is another dark, drippy day. The temperature is falling and the sky is metallic gray. It’s a “lights on in every room with fireplace going” kind of day. How many of you make New Year’s resolutions? I actually don’t. Oh, I may jot down a few goals in my journal and quite a few […]