Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]

Mar 11, 2020
·Thunder, lightning, pouring rain–not Nemo’s kind of weather, although I like it. My furry buddy likes smooth jazz. With smooth jazz playing and wearing his thunder shirt, he calmed down. I can only imagine what a storm seems like to him. He doesn’t understand it, just reacts to hearing the loud but unseen noise of […]

Sep 13, 2018
Batten Down the Hatches
·The ocean is fascinating and dangerous. It has many moods. I hope not one life will be lost due to Hurricane Florence. Two of my brothers were on board ships while they were in the US Navy. Storms struck at sea too. I noticed the Navy moved about thirty of their ships out of the […]