I talked to my older brother last night and wished him a Happy Father’s Day. He thanked me and said, “Well, it’s not as important as Mother’s Day.” I disagreed and told him I thought it was very important. Moms and Dads each have a God-given responsibility and privilege in the life of a healthy […]

The Importance of Dad
Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God knew he would be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]
Remembering Daddy
Today is my dad’s birthday. I’ve written about him a lot, both here and in my books. Only, in my books he wasn’t called by his name, Bob Day, rather, he showed up here and there as admirable traits in male characters, especially the heroes, because that’s what he was– my hero. I can’t resist […]
Fathers and Dads
·Today is Fathers’ Day, a time to celebrate those dads in our families. I had a great father and I’m blessed that my son is a great father too. I’m grateful that both Dad and Matt are fathers not in name only, but in being vital parts of their families. No one would deny that […]

My Dad, My Rock
His character was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. He was stubborn and he could be stern. He didn’t talk an awfully lot but he had a keen sense of humor and liked a good joke. And whatever he said, I knew was the truth. The whole world might be wrong, but not my […]