When the Weather Turns On You

When the Weather Turns On You

Remember the children’s story about the sun and the cold wind and the bet they had? An old man was trudging down the road in the wintertime and the wind, boisterous and braggy, bet the sun that he could blow the old man’s coat off whereas the sun didn’t have that power. So, he blew […]

A Page From The Etta Bend Devotional

A Page From The Etta Bend Devotional

  “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8) That verse always reminds me of my grandpa, Levi Latty. I can picture him going to his barn to milk, morning […]

Strawberries, Sugar, and Cream

Strawberries, Sugar, and Cream

    Curly-locks! Curly-locks! Wilt thou be mine?  Thou shalt not wash dishes, nor yet feed the swine;  But sit on a cushion, and sew a fine seam,  and feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream! This nursery rhyme is from long ago, maybe in the days of King Charles and written as a satire, but […]

Rainy Day Remembering

Rainy Day Remembering

Rain woke me. Thunder too. I was thinking about long ago Etta this morning and my Latty family. It would be dark on the farm at this hour, house lit only by kerosene lamps, no outdoor lights at all. Pappy would take a lantern as he went to the barn to milk the cows and […]

I Just Got to Thinking About Words

I Just Got to Thinking About Words

I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. I’m puzzled and saddened by the fact that, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us (let’s face it, a lot of us) use ugly, degrading, base words? Is […]

What Are Cozy Mysteries Made Of?

What Are Cozy Mysteries Made Of?

Cozy mysteries are a partial reflection of the life of the author. Each person–you, I, everyone, is a part of so many other people, of our own experiences and the experiences of others, of hopes and failures, of good and bad, of the past, the present and yes, even the future. We are all that […]