You’ve come a long way, baby, was a slogan from a tobacco company several years ago. That slogan could apply to how wash day has changed from the way it used to be. We probably don’t even have a “wash day” any more. Any time we have a load of clothes that need to be […]

A Long Time Ago
·As twilight slips in and throws long shadows across the lawn, I’m reminded of how days ended a long time ago when I was a child. At the same time each evening, the cows would amble across the pasture toward the barn. It was milking time. Mom would have supper on the stove and Dad […]

Night at Etta
·Last night ended peacefully after an exciting end to Monday. At Etta Bend, a hundred years ago, it is a peaceful ending to a busy day. My grandfather, I called him Pappy, has come in from the fields. Ma Latty, my grandmother, has finished making supper, and the girls, Alice, Susie, and Georgia have washed […]

Way of Life at Etta Bend
·The following story is from my mother’s book, Remembering Etta Bend. These are the words of Susie Latty, who, much later, became my mom. This would have been around 1918. Most of the things we used were homemade and they had to last as long as possible. Papa carved his own handles and wood implements […]

Goose Summer
·From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918, Place: the Latty Farm. In the fall come rare, sparkling days that are warm and bright, with very little wind, when nature seems to savor the last remnants of summer. Spider webs break loose from their moorings and float through the air, […]