Family Connections

Family Connections

Sunday, Matt and his family and I went to the Levi Latty reunion in Tahlequah. It was a neat day of a whole lot of visiting, a whole lot of food,  games and prizes, and remembrances. I think of those family reunions as connections, a bridge between the past and the present or maybe even […]

My Grandfather’s Barn — Etta Bend Devotional

My Grandfather’s Barn — Etta Bend Devotional

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8) That verse always reminds me of my grandpa, Levi Latty. I can picture him going to his barn to milk, morning and […]

A Good Day After All

Yesterday, as Sara and I sat in the porch swing eating ice cream, I was reminded of one of my favorite commercials: a farmer has had a harrowing day of lightning strikes, being chased by a bull, etc., but at the end of the day, he sits down with a bowl of ice cream and […]

Potpourri, Hodgepodge, Patchwork

Potpourri, Hodgepodge, Patchwork

I’ve always liked that French word Potpourri. It sounds lovely, like the mixed fragrances of dried flower petals it represents. However, “hodgepodge” and “patchwork” mean about the same thing. My thoughts this morning are a mixture, a patchwork quilt of jumping from one subject to the next. You are invited to share them. The wind […]

In the Wee, Small Hours of the Morning

Do you ever wake up in the wee, small hours of the morning, and find thoughts running through your head that wouldn’t be there any other time of the day? It’s as if in the busyness of daylight hours, my mind is full of the activities or worries or demands of the day, but in […]

Etta Bend Devotional–Tep Willis

Etta Bend Devotional–Tep Willis

Etta Bend Devotional January 18–“Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store” (Deuteronomy 28:5). My great-grandmother, Catherine Serepta (Tep) Barker Willis, was an outdoors person as was my grandmother and my mother. I can picture her now, wearing a long-sleeved blouse (she would have called it “waist”) and long skirts that reached the tops of […]