November Winds

November Winds

November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom.  Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum.  Here in NW Arkansas, the temperature is rather nippy […]

Autumn Song

Autumn Song

Misty Morning

Misty Morning

Winter’s Warning

Winter’s Warning

  Nature is telling us that now is the time to prepare for a change. Fall is here, but winter is coming. Somehow, birds, animals, and insects, even trees and plant life seem to know and get ready for cold weather.      


Have you seen or heard any wild geese flying over? They’re a pretty good sign of changing weather. Spring and fall, those geese fly to their new locations, giving us a warning that another season is upon us. Migration High up in the sky last night, A promise winged its wedge-shaped flight; A promise of […]

October’s Sun

October’s Sun

Sunlight warms the old railroad ties that hold up my mailbox. One of these days, those strong, square pieces of wood will tumble down, and they look pretty disreputable now, but I like them. They are weathered and rugged, they’ve had an interesting past, and even though their original usefulness is gone, they still have […]