Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem — (Matthew 2:1). Today is the day Christians celebrate the Epiphany, when wise men from the East bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, came to find and worship […]
Boxing Day
And now, mail resumes, banks re-open, people go back to work, and I’m grateful for another Christmas with my family. In many countries, this is Boxing Day, and I don’t mean it’s a time when we put on gloves and solve all our differences with combat. The day after Christmas is a day when some […]
Christ Is Born!
May the peace of candlelight, The warmth of firelight, And the love of Christ Light your life this Christmas and in the year to come.
Christmas Thoughts
Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then reading Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love. I wish that our world would stop for a moment and absorb this quietness and peace. Doesn’t Scripture […]

·Today is the National Day of Prayer. If there was ever a time when this world and this nation needed prayer, it is today. Psalm 85:11: “Human loyalty will reach up from the earth, and God’s righteousness will look down from heaven.” “The proper way for a man to pray,” Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes, […]

Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself
Don’t get ahead of yourself. Have you ever heard that phrase? I’ve been thinking a lot about it this morning. To me, it means thinking or fearing something may be true or will happen. It’s easy to over-think, to wonder and worry, not only about the future, but about what’s happening right now! Americans haven’t […]