He Is Risen Indeed!

He Is Risen Indeed!

Easter Sunday morning–a day to celebrate the risen Christ, a day of a new beginning, a new hope, a new faith. To me, Easter should be the start of a New Year. For all Christians, it is the celebration of life, the gift of Salvation, and the reason we worship Jesus, the Son of God. […]

The Darkest Day

Have you ever wondered why the Friday before Easter is known as “good”?  There was nothing good about it. Evil men, the people He had come to save, killed the Son of God. The ones who loved Jesus were plunged into the deepest  despair. It was a terrible day, a time when creation itself recoiled in horror. […]

A Little of This and of That

A Little of This and of That

Tiny black intruders have, once again, invaded my kitchen. Black ants do this every spring. I’m not sure why they do. They seem to have no purpose. They dash off in one direction, stop, and run in the opposite direction. They wander here and there, always at top speed, always going somewhere but I don’t […]

Just In Case We Missed It

After a stormy night, winter has paid a return visit. The temperature is only 39, and not supposed to rise above the low 40s today. It is cloudy this morning, dampish, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few snowflakes. Maybe this is the last little excursion winter will take into spring. Let’s hope […]

Shifting Sand or Bedrock?

This morning, as I look out at the pre-dawn darkness, enjoying a cup of Folgers, I am grateful for peace and the freedom to get up in the morning, turn on the computer, and follow my dream of writing. But, if I turn on the television news, or check out the internet, I realize that […]

If Not Now, When?

If Not Now, When?

All my life, I’ve wanted to be a writer. Oh, I did go through phases of wanting to be a nurse or an airline stewardess but deep down in the depths of my heart, I knew that not only did I want to be a writer, I was a writer. I knew it. The trouble was getting others […]