A Safe Place

A Safe Place

Everyone needs a safe place, or maybe more than one. In this section of the country, we all need a safe room or a cellar when tornadoes threaten. In church Sunday, we discussed the word “Sanctuary”. To me, that has always meant a safe place. Maybe that’s why we call the part of our church […]

A Rainbow in the Cloud

A Rainbow in the Cloud

I had started to the store for a batch of groceries. Rain fell gently and the sun shone too. “Oh,” I thought. “This is perfect weather for a rainbow!” Glancing out of my car’s window to the west, I saw it, a lovely, large rainbow that looked like it arched over the whole town, north […]

A New Day Dawning

A New Day Dawning

My parents were early risers. They beat the sun out of bed and by eight o’clock, they had done what I would consider a full day’s work. Of course, since they were up, they certainly expected their children to be up and going as well. When Mom fixed breakfast, she fixed it for everyone at […]

In Fran’s House

Yesterday was the day of Fran’s monthly luncheon. It is always a pleasure and a privilege to attend. This dear lady is gifted with hospitality and, I believe, is being used by the Lord to reach out to other women. She is generous with her time, food, and home. Her yard, front and black, blooms with […]

Whose Coat Are You Holding?

Yesterday, our Sunday school lesson was on wisdom, what it is and how to attain it. We all agreed that acquiring knowledge is not a problem. If we want to know the answer to almost any question, we can find it on the internet. But wisdom? I don’t think you can get that from the internet. […]

Sauntering Through Sunday

Sauntering Through Sunday

I love this wet weather! Yesterday as Matt, Dawn, Sara and Nathan came, rain began to fall. Matt had planned to grill outside but the rain changed plans and Dawn fried burgers inside. It was a pleasant supper. Somehow, rain just seemed to make things cozier. My plants, grass, and flowers certainly agree with me. […]