As the Lord Made It

As the Lord Made It

Did you ever think about the way the earth must have been, just as the Lord made it, before Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of the Garden? It surely was beautiful and peaceful; exciting, yet safe. We still glimpse it in the majesty of mountains, the purity of the first snowfall, love […]

That Little Brown Church

That Little Brown Church

The Little Brown Church in the Vale was one of my dad’s favorite songs. Each time I hear it, I think of him. If you’d like to hear the Statler Brothers sing it, click on their name. This song always brings memories of a simpler, quieter, more devout time in our nation’s history. I love […]

With Mud On Our Faces

With Mud On Our Faces

How many times, did we, as parents, pick up our children when they fell, dust them off, clean the mud off their faces, give them a hug and tell them everything would be all right? We didn’t look at them and say they had to get all tidied and neat before they came to us […]

Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

Not only today but every day, let’s celebrate the freedom we have in this country! What a beautiful country I live in! I love our freedom, the patriots of old and the patriots of new. I am grateful for their sacrifice and for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. It is a privilege to live […]

The Earthquakes in Arkansas Last Sunday

The Earthquakes in Arkansas Last Sunday

Did you know that Arkansas experienced a series of earthquakes last Sunday? Evidently, we did. I didn’t feel any of them but a lot of people did. What caused this shaking of the ground we walk on? One article said to blame it on Bull Shoals Lake.  It has risen forty-two feet since the first […]

Is There a Light in the Lighthouse?

Is There a Light in the Lighthouse?

Lighthouses have always fascinated me. I’ve never viewed one up close but some day, I’d like to. It would be interesting to purposely set out to tour American lighthouses, especially those on the east coast. You won’t find lighthouses in calm waters or tucked securely away from the danger of storms. Lighthouses stand in precarious, […]