I’ve always enjoyed early morning sounds. They mean that night is over, the sun is on its way, a whole, new day opens up before me. Possibilities rise with daybreak. When I was a child, I awoke to the chunk of wood being poked into a cookstove, the clink of a coffee pot and the […]

When the Long Ago Suddenly Reappears
·Is the past really the past or does it reappear now and then? I saw one of my old college professors the other day, even though he has been dead a good number of years. Now, before you think I’ve gone completely round the bend, let me explain. Actually, I didn’t see him but I […]

Her Name Was Abi
·Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of Baal. Judah reeled under the influence of this ungodly king who even sacrificed one of his sons to the heathen god. Yet, he married a godly woman, Abi or Abijah, who was the daughter of Zechariah, spiritual counselor […]

A Fearful, Agonizing Day Called Good Friday
I think Good Friday is misnamed. How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. We think of it as good because, even though it was the day the Lord was crucified, it was […]