Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! May the peace of candlelight,  The warmth of firelight, And the love of Christ Light your life this Christmas and in the year to come.

A Writer’s Psalm

A Writer’s Psalm Bless my writing, O Lord! May all my plots and characters praise You! The earth is rich in books; verily, it overflows with the written word. Large is the competition; great is the challenge.   When wicked reviewers come upon me, to demolish my efforts, may their computers develop glitches. Though an […]

A Man To Count On

I talked to my older brother last night and wished him a Happy Father’s Day. He thanked me and said, “Well, it’s not as important as Mother’s Day.” I disagreed and told him I thought it was very important. Moms and Dads each have a God-given responsibility and privilege in the life of a healthy […]

Happy Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, Mom always wore a corsage of white roses to church. Used to be that was the custom–if your mother was no longer with you, you wore white flowers; if she was still here, you wore red flowers. That tradition has probably flown, like so many.  I’m blessed every day to be the […]

The Sight of a Blind Man

The Sight of a Blind Man

It was just another day in the life of Bartimaeus. He sat beside the road in the dust, the sun beating down on his head and back, hoping that a few kind-hearted people who passed by would give him enough money to buy food. That’s the way many blind people made a living in those […]

A Special Friday

How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. Then, there is the German word, Karfreitag,  sorrowful or suffering Friday. Whatever it is called, it is a day for us […]