I sometimes ponder this question: why do I write? Writing takes up hours, days, weeks, months of my life. Writing is pouring my heart and soul into the life of my characters. It is taking words and forming them into a person. But then (and this is the best part) using only words to make that […]
Jul 10, 2017
Accepting Defeat as a Momentary Setback
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· In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest– William McKinley. Defeat–we all experience it from time to time. We have a goal in mind, try to reach it, do our utmost to reach it and we fail. The important thing is to get up and try again. Maybe that was the wrong direction to […]

Mar 31, 2017
If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon
·If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon is a very old song, recorded by Bing Crosby in 1947 and Frank Sinatra in 1949. It’s a song about trying to reach a dream, not quite getting there, but finding something else that is even more fulfilling. The point is to try. It was a great […]