Have you read it yet? Murder By Moonlight, newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery. It’s available on Amazon. It’s free with Kindle Unlimited. Thunder growled, ever closer. Those empty rooms of the house must surely be too dark for a proper photographing session, which was a relief, because I didn’t relish the idea of being inside […]

Nov 13, 2018
The Cozy Mystery That Almost Wasn’t
·As I completed the third Ned McNeil moonlight cozy mystery, Moonstruck and Murderous, I looked back at the last one, By The Fright of the Silvery Moon. I remembered the terrifically hard time I had writing just the right opening scene. On this one, Moonstruck, I think I wrote no less than six beginnings […]

Aug 2, 2018
Daring Deeds and Deadly Discussions
·I would call zip lining over a pack of alligators a pretty daring deed but for Nancy and Rick, it was all a part of a Florida vacation. Much more to my liking would have been the glass-bottom boat ride that Nancy said was really fun. And, of course, true to being a cozy […]