Yesterday afternoon was a lazy afternoon at home. At loose ends after church and dinner with the family, I wandered into the front room and my old stand-by, the piano. It’s a friend I’ve turned to for many years. Digging some well-liked music from my piano bench, I sat down and played. Tunes have always […]

Just After Sunset
·Just after the sun goes down is a great time to take pictures. Last night, I moseyed into the front yard with my camera and got a few snaps of flowers. I heard a tree frog, a spring peeper, but never did see him..These interesting little creatures have great, big voices and are quite tiny. […]

I Just Got to Thinking About Words
·I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. I’m puzzled and saddened by the fact that, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us (let’s face it, a lot of us) use ugly, degrading, base words? Is […]

Delicious Supper, Lively Conversation,Tree Frogs
Last night, Matt and Dawn invited me over for supper. Those of you who know my daughter-in-law know that she’s an excellent cook. I gladly accepted, hopped in my SUV, and trundled right over to the younger Manos’s abode. The sky was overcast and rain was in the forecast. “I hear thunder,” I said, as […]

In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening
Ah! To be cool! And comfortable! What a glorious feeling. Last evening, the house was cool once more. The air conditioner is fixed. Only a wire had jarred loose from the unit and that was easily replaced. I’m rejoicing this morning. It’s like the old saying, You don’t miss the water till the well runs […]