Last night ended peacefully after an exciting end to Monday. At Etta Bend, a hundred years ago, it is a peaceful ending to a busy day. My grandfather, I called him Pappy, has come in from the fields. Ma Latty, my grandmother, has finished making supper, and the girls, Alice, Susie, and Georgia have washed […]
A Few Sizes Too Small
·I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. So, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us use ugly, degrading, base words? Is it to get a reaction? To show that we’re really up with the times? […]
Milking Time
·As twilight slips in and throws long shadows across the lawn, I’m reminded of how days ended a long time ago when I was a child. At the same time each evening, the cows would amble across the pasture toward the barn. It was milking time. Mom would have supper on the stove and Dad […]
About Those Words
·Words! We speak them, write them, sing them. I’ve read a theory that words we say remain in the air forever and could be picked up on the correct frequency by the correct electrical receptors. That sounds a bit far-fetched, but be that as it may, sometimes words lodge in our hearts and mind and […]

When the Light Turns Golden
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in the rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. What do you […]

The Gold at Day’s End
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in empty rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. Memories return […]