What Are Cozy Mysteries Made Of?

What Are Cozy Mysteries Made Of?

Cozy mysteries are a partial reflection of the life of the author. Each person–you, I, everyone, is a part of so many other people, of our own experiences and the experiences of others, of hopes and failures, of good and bad, of the past, the present and yes, even the future. We are all that […]

Movin’ On

Movin’ On

We are all movin’ on through life. It seems to me (and correct me if I’m wrong) that the way a person walks or moves is a reflection of who he or she is. Let’s see if I can say that a little more clearly. We stride into life with different gaits.Of course, for reasons […]

In My Heart

In My Heart

This morning as I gaze at my quiet street, my heart is full of many things: gratitude, hopes, concerns, dreams and memories. Sometimes as I drink in the quiet rustle of the trees, the way morning shadows slope across green grass, or the optimistic song of birds, I let my thoughts stray backward to what […]

My Grandfather’s Barn — Etta Bend Devotional

My Grandfather’s Barn — Etta Bend Devotional

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8) That verse always reminds me of my grandpa, Levi Latty. I can picture him going to his barn to milk, morning and […]

The January Thaw

In the days when my grandparents, Levi and Edna Latty, were on their 300+ acre farm at Etta, Pappy Latty always looked for the January thaw, those few January days when winter paused to take a deep breath and remember that spring would soon be on its way. During the January thaw, Pappy would hitch […]

Who’s That Knocking?

Who’s That Knocking?

We all have something we enjoy doing, a hobby or maybe more than one hobby, that we like to do just for fun. For many years, more than I’d like to count, I’ve had a love affair  with gourds. I have garbage cans and sacks full of gourds. Some are big, some are small. Those […]