I remember a story my mother told me a long time ago about a sign of spring she and her family always looked forward to when she was a child at Etta Bend. As surely as the new wildflowers popped up, a small figure with wispy gray hair would appear on the road leading to […]

The Easter Egg Tree
·The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]
The Way It Was
·The following story is from my mother’s book, Remembering Etta Bend. These are the words of Susie Latty, who, much later, became my mom. The year would have been around 1918. Most of the things we used were homemade and they had to last as long as possible. Papa carved his own handles and wood […]
Whispers From the Past
·Delving into one’s ancestry is a fun and absorbing business. I’m finding out about ancestors from way, way back. Some of those finds are surprising. They are all fascinating. These people had stories and I, rooted in the present day, am listening, trying to hear what they had to say. They were from different parts […]
The Easter Egg Tree
·The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]
A Remembering Rock
·It rests in my herb garden, a memory stone. It’s a reminder of a slower, quieter time, of the strong, good people who owned the farm which was the rock’s home. It’s just a dark rock, pitted by millenia. Cows’ and horses’ hooves have stepped on it and probably bare-foot children have stubbed their toes […]