I watched a nature program about a mama bear waking up after a winter’s hibernation. She had two cubs, so small that they had a hard job following her when she left the cave. The snow was deep and the grown bear took off, leaving her babies to struggle through the deep snow. They floundered […]

The Way It Was
·Why is it that older people have a tendency to look back and remember while younger people are all about thinking toward the future? With the school year coming to a close, youngsters are looking forward to a summer of freedom with a great deal of anticipation. Come to think of it, teachers may be […]

What To Do with Endings
·This morning as I look out at a dark, damp world and the beginning of a new day, with another school year fast approaching, I think of beginnings. And, endings. July has ended, another summer is nearly gone and August is here–the month when schools start and teachers and children troop back to the classroom. […]

It Shouldn’t End That Way!
Yesterday, we thought about first impressions, introductions to books, and if the way a story begins is important. I kind of like a story to grab my attention with the first sentence, but I’ve read a few books that didn’t really get interesting until toward the last of the first chapter. Today, let’s think about how […]
Every Jot and Tittle
·You’ve seen the cliche: the writer staring out the window appearing to be idle while she’s actually thinking of the next part of her story. I sympathize with that writer. It could be me! I’m on the re-write of the third Darcy/Flora mystery and re-writes and critiques are pain-staking necessities. The Cozy Critiquers are giving […]