Another Step

In my area, today is the first day of a new school year. Teachers and students will be taking another step forward in their nine-month term. They’ll be facing new  challenges, perhaps questions and problems they haven’t known before. No one can see far down this road into the future, but there’s light enough for […]

When You’ve Lost the Tune

Sometimes it’s hard to start the day with a song; a dream seems just out of reach, feelings are hurt, we sorely miss someone who isn’t here, bodies grow fatigued, a harsh word clouds a sunny day. There’s something, though, about lifting up our heads and looking at a new day with hope that puts […]

A Special Birthday

Today, April 12, is my mother, Susie Latty Day’s birthday. Mom has been gone for nearly twenty-five years now and there isn’t a day when I don’t miss her. I’d love to sit down at her dining table for just one more cup of coffee, just one more chat. Many times, I wonder what my […]

Richer Than We Think

Richer Than We Think

  It was a fun time. My son and granddaughter fixed Mother’s Day lunch for all of us. Spaghetti, hot rolls, salad, dessert, served up with a big dash of caring. I loved it! These times of togetherness are priceless. I couldn’t put a monetary value on them. I’m rich in having my family around […]

That Special Person

A renowned evangelist once said that within each person is a God-shaped space. Although we may try to fill that space with other things, nothing but God brings satisfaction.  I believe the same is true of mothers. A mother is the person who gives birth to a child or adopts the child and loves her as her own. Love and selfless dedication define […]

Don’t Open the Door

Don’t Open the Door

  When the blues come knocking at your door, don’t open it. They come disguised as many things–fear, worry, anxiety, guilt, sadness, if only, despair–whatever their names, don’t invite them in and make them feel comfortable. They might never leave if you do. Goodness knows, there’s more than enough sadness and misery to go around. […]