Cozy mysteries are fun to read and fun to write. If they were not, who would read or write them? As well as being fun, they are instructive. They’ve taught me several life lessons. Storms come in every life. There is no problem than cannot be solved. Perseverance wins the day. Home’s hearth fires burn […]
Boxing Day
·This is Boxing Day in some countries, a day to give gifts to those in service of others. It’s also St. Stephen’s Day, the first Christian martyr. Boxing Day was a tradition, and today we have our own traditions. I like the repetition and comfort of those practices my family keeps alive from year […]

The Cottonwood
·The Cottonwood At Grandfather’s farm, in back of the house Stood a large, ancient cottonwood tree. How it weathered the years and stood fast in storms Was a wonder and marvel to me. My grandfather said that the tree had strong roots Sinking deep, holding fast to the ground, For the earth never lost it […]

Cool Morning
·Nemo and I went on the deck–I with my coffee. For some reason, Nemo doesn’t care for coffee! But, chicken? Well, that’s another matter. It was peaceful on the deck–quiet and with birds just waking up. Tree frogs are back too. They come early, in fact, and I really like to hear them. As long […]

Happy First Day of June
If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, and smell good too. Other […]

The Fraidy Cat Frog
·Don’t stumble over that ugly old rock of criticism and pessimism. Don’t ignore it and try to go around it. Climb on top of it and make it not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone. Glean anything valuable from it and disregard the rest. Don’t you dare let it dampen your day in any […]