A flight of fancy, a children’s story to be concluded tomorrow.

Goose Summer
·From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918, Place: the Latty Farm. In the fall come rare, sparkling days that are warm and bright, with very little wind, when nature seems to savor the last remnants of summer. Spider webs break loose from their moorings and float through the air, […]

At the Table We Sat, We Three, Brimming with Acuity
·Opening Day of Duck Season, a poem by John Philpot, started our critique off with a bang. Jane has known Mr. Philpot for a number of years as he came from her home town of Mena, Arkansas. His rhymed verse that Jane read kept Peg and me in stitches. He is a television personality and […]

Ducks and Eggs and Minnesota
I asked my niece Michelle Albrecht to write about her and little brother Steven’s adventures on a Minnesota lake when they were children. Her method of gathering duck eggs was unique and while not many of us were privileged to view and retrieve eggs several feet down in the cold, cold, clear water, it was undoubtedly […]