By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is a cozy mystery that almost didn’t happen. I wanted to write a second Ned McNeil Moonlight mystery, following Moonlight Can Be Murder. The title came easily and I knew I wanted to write it, so that’s where I started. I wrote the opening scene. Somehow, it didn’t […]

Looking Back at Ireland, From Four Years Away
·It’s cool and rainy here in NW Arkansas this morning. It was cool and rained part of almost every day four years ago in Ireland. But then, the sun came out and shone from a blue sky upon those very green hills. I’ve enjoyed looking back at this trip of a lifetime. I hope […]

How About Those Cockles of Your Heart?
·What is it that warms the cockles of your heart, puts a spring in your step, a gleam in your eye and a sense of purpose in your life? What is your dream? Where did it go? We all have something, some desire or hope or goal that keeps us reaching and trying and, when […]

Dream That Dream!
When you look at the picture below this post, do you see a beautiful dragonfly, green gauzy wings iridescent in the sun, able to fly in six different directions, snapping up mosquitoes, gnats, and other annoying pests? You don’t? That is actually what this little creature is–a dragonfly in its early stages of development. In a […]