The Bible says we are supposed to take every thought captive. That isn’t an easy thing to do. With so much that is pleasant and positive, so much love in the world, why do I (and, I suspect, a great many of us) let negative thoughts creep in? Sad to say, the older I get, […]

A Small Page from a Small Book
I love making small books. For years, I’ve kept a little notebook with Scripture, poetry, my illustrations, things that brighten the day and will maybe, someday, be meaningful to my grandchildren. In this uncertain time, I recommend it for you too, as a way to keep going and inject hope into the day. This morning, […]

When the Blues Come Calling, Don’t Open the Door
·Let’s admit it–some days, spirits seem to sag in the middle. Everything under the sun that is sad or unfair or uncertain comes and sits right there on my shoulders, just daring me to get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other and face the day. As the songs goes, […]

Thoughtfulness on Paper
Yesterday, I got a packet in the mail from the young people at our church’s school. I get one every year about this time, just before Valentine’s Day. It never fails to cheer me. Inside the brown envelope are small, hand-made Valentines. The children have written small notes of encouragement, and they include Bible verses. […]

Do You Know Who You Are?
·Who is coming today? Why, the Cozy Critters! The coffee pot will be on, the hundred-year old table will be waiting. I look forward to hearing what Jane, Peg, Carolyn, and Nancy have been reading or writing or painting. They will definitely liven up this old house of mine. As I looked at past blog […]