These hot, summer days in July and August are called the dog days of summer and, in honor of that, today Ulysses, Ned’s dog and faithful companion, has his day in Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil moonlight book. It’s free on Amazon Unlimited. Ulysses, Ned’s rescue dog and Penny the cat are important […]
A Little of This and That
·It’s raining this morning. Actually, it just started a few minutes ago but there’s thunder. Oh, dear! You know who is nervously hovering by my chair, don’t you? I wish I could explain to Nemo that it’s only noise and won’t hurt him, and I do explain; however, he doesn’t seem to believe me. Speaking […]
Just a Mite Chilly
·It’s a little more than just a mite chilly here in NW Arkansas this morning. I think that fifteen degrees below zero must be a record. A friend, a Cozy Critter, in a near-by Arkansas town is even colder and that’s not counting wind chill. So, what’s happening? Has the great frozen North Pole moved […]

Sunshine in My Pocket
·Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness? This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Dogs and Cats
·What do dogs and cats know that we don’t? If you have a pet, you’ve probably wondered, just as I have. Sometimes, Nemo’s ears will perk up and he’ll be on alert, looking toward the window or door. His wonderful senses, especially ears and nose clue him in to a lot that’s going on outside […]