The Strange Case of the Runaway, Wayward Dog

The Strange Case of the Runaway, Wayward Dog

My dog had a wayward moment a couple of days ago. I’ll never know what made him do it. I asked him, once he had returned to the warm environs of his home, whatever had gotten into his furry head and addled his otherwise healthy brain. He simply looked at me, grinned, rolled his brown […]

A Dog’s Dilemma

A Dog’s Dilemma

Nemo got to the door just as a tremendous crack of thunder rattled the window. I held the door open for him. He looked up at me and said, “You gotta be kidding.” We are in the middle of a pretty loud storm and his dilemma was needing to go out and being afraid to go […]

Sunshine in the Mailbox

Sunshine in the Mailbox

Nothing brings sunshine into a dark and cloudy day like knowing somebody thought about me in a kind way. Yesterday, a package arrived in my mailbox. Inside was a handmade table runner from my niece Missy Albrecht. It came all the way from Minnesota just to cheer me, I’m certain of it. Because she knows me so well, […]

A Cat, a House, and a Story

A Cat, a House, and a Story

My name is Penny. I am a cat. I live in a big Victorian house with a woman named Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil. Her friends call her Ned. She’s a nice woman, always makes sure my food dish doesn’t go empty and when she has ice cream, she shares it with me. I like living […]

Lady’s Best Friend

Yesterday as I wrote about D. C., I mentioned another cat, Rinehart. This is how he came to be at Manos Meadows. A lot of years ago, a stray cat wandered  to my mother and dad’s house in Tahlequah. She was a gray and white Manx and very, very shy. She had long hair and […]