Nemo hasn’t mastered the art of writing and doesn’t have access to a computer, but if he could, he might write something like this, this morning: So, here I sit! It’s an ok room, I guess, but it isn’t home. Everybody is nice and gentle, but, as I said, It isn’t home! I had […]

Another Fall, Another Year
·This post was actually from three years ago. The trees haven’t turned color this much yet this year, but they are getting there. It’s kind of fun to look back and enjoy that 2015 fall again. Yesterday’s perfect weather was too beautiful for me to stay indoors so I grabbed my trusty camera and […]

The Mysterious Actions of Nemo
·A dove saunters through the grass, picking here, pecking there, finding tiny particles of interest. A brown thrasher flies down, all business, finds something, pecks, flies off with it. The birds are busy but much quieter now. They all have babies to feed and are about the serious task of building families. I […]
Winter’s Merry Last Fling
·This is what we had last in NWA last year on this date. I thought you might enjoy today a little more by thinking about last year. Actually, I don’t know if it’s the last fling or not, but winter certainly flung around some snow and sleet yesterday. It was such a nice Saturday!A really good […]

Furry Friends and Thoughts of Fall
·The furry friend I’m talking about is Nemo. An ongoing mystery: why does he sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer and […]

Penny’s Cat Viewpoint of Frightful Things
·As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]