This is another rainy morning and earlier, it was a rainy, stormy morning with thunder booming around the clouds. My pal Nemo the Furry One is not a fan of storms. Since his hearing is almost non-existent, he isn’t afraid of those loud sounds any more, but I’m convinced that he feels atmospheric change or […]

A Dog-Shaped Shadow
·My Shadow My shadow’s not like me at all; It’s three feet long and two feet tall. Two floppy ears, a pointy nose, Where I go, there my shadow goes. Four furry feet, a shortish tail, It follows close and, without fail, If I sit down, it sits down too For that’s what all good […]
A Word From Murphy
·Good morning. My name is Murphy and I’m a dog. I used to live with Ben Ventris but for unforseen and gruesome reasons, I now live with Pat and Jasper Harris. Dogs don’t get credit for being the world’s smartest creatures. They should. Poor ol’ Jasper, the boy I’ve adopted, really needs me. He thinks owls are […]
A Grim Discovery
·“Clara!” she screamed, beating on the wall. “Clara! Get us out of here. Hurry!” She pounded on the wall with both fists, her phone on the floor at her feet. Maybelle crowded close beside her, adding her howls to the racket. At last, spent and breathless, Agnes sank down beside her dog and cat. Clara’s […]

The Discovery
·Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]
From a Cat’s Way of Looking At It
·As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]