I’ve been thinking a lot about words. Written, spoken, sung, words have sunk ships, started wars, promoted peace, and sealed agreements. They are powerful and, used wrongly, they can do tremendous harm. I think that, sometimes, it’s not what is said as much as how it’s said that causes problems. Remember the story of the […]

Apr 3, 2022
When the Boat Tips
·Do you ever feel like you’re in a boat, trying to make a safe harbor? “Don’t rock the boat” is a saying most of us have heard or used, meaning to just go along with the status quo, don’t say or do anything that might ruffle the waters. At times, this may be a wise […]
Don’t Rock the Boat!
Do you ever feel like you’re in a boat, trying to make a safe harbor? “Don’t rock the boat” is a saying most of us have heard or used, meaning to just go along with the status quo, don’t say or do anything that might ruffle the waters. At times, this may be a wise […]